Meet the Founder

Sharaylynn has found her purpose in law and is eager to aid you in finding yours.

Sharaylynn is a 2L law student at the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law. She has maintained her academic status in the Illinois system subsequent to graduating from the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign in 2022.

Sharaylynn currently holds the position of Treasurer in the Black Law Student Association, Glenn T. Johnson Chapter.

While an undergraduate, Sharaylynn majored in political science and minored in criminology. She sustained high academics, graduating with a 3.92 GPA within three years.

While in undergrad, she interned for the Champaign County Public Defenders office where she experienced court proceedings daily, communicated with clients, and visited correctional facilities.

Following graduation, she continued her passion for criminal justice defense with Lawndale Christian Legal Center. The institution’s primary focus is juvenile criminal defense. Sharaylynn found her purpose here. The dire need for compassionate defense for underprivileged children was illuminated during this experience. She knew that this was what she was meant to do.

To further broaden her expertise and tap into her medical interests, Sharaylynn began working as a Litigation Paralegal for a medical malpractice defense firm. Her career at the firm is nearing the two-year mark this October.

Sharaylynn founded this consulting firm to provide students of all backgrounds with the advice and resources she wish she had in undergrad and transitioning to law school.

She hopes to aid many aspiring professionals in their journey to reach their goals and dreams in the legal field.